Terms of use

Terms of use & Register statement

Cancellation Policy
All products are made only to the customer's order according to the wishes. Therefore, we have a zero tolerance for returns and refunds.

Only in cases the product doesn't match as ordered or it contains a failure,
send us the image of the product and we can try to get replacement from manufacturer.

Shipping is handled via 3rd party companies. Please be sure that you write the correct Shipping information on your order. The information cannot be changed later. Badenstock does not takes responsibility for the addresses written incorrectly by the customer and leads the package to return.

Payments are handled via 3rd party providers such as PayPal etc.
Using them you allow their terms and conditions.

Marketing register
If you sing up to customer, you can choose to be involved to out email list.

Company / Contact person
Badenstock Oy
FI 32476492
studio @ badenstock.com